Celtic Shield Pendant


Celtic Shield Pendant

This is an original Celtic shield pendant I designed. It is made in Gold-plated stainless steel from Shapeways. It represents strength and resolve. To order it in other materials, click here.


Celtic Shield Pendant

This is an original Celtic shield pendant I designed. It is made in Gold-plated stainless steel from Shapeways.

The shield Celtic symbol represents strength, protection and resolve. There are many famous Celtic shields out there such as the Battersea Shield. Most Celtic shields used in battle were wooden and might have had a metal coating for further protection. Today they can make a stunning decoration. The shield pendants that I design are all more symbolic. This one contains a Bowen Knot, which is the strand with four loops on the inside. The larger round knot on the outside is similar to a Bowen Knot but is modified and rounded like a shield. It is also known as a “looped square”. It was invented by James Bowen, and has sometimes been referred to as the “true lover’s knot”.

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Bronze-plated steel, Gold-plated steel


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